Life Saver

As someone who has become ever more fearful of travelling in planes, boats, cars (unless I’m driving), I have the hugest admiration for the extraordinary bravery of the volunteer crews of the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution).

At 10:30 we collected the courtesy car from Hendy’s, an electric Renault Zoe e-tech. Totally loved driving it it. At 4’ish they advised my dear basic Dacia now had the rear sensors fitted. But as I was relaxing back home after a long walk, they agreed I can bring the Zoe back tomorrow - although I may disappear with it instead :)

We drove to Poole Lake, parked, and walked along the harbour to the RNLI, where I was captivated by this powerful sculpture. Just what I needed for BobBlip’s Wide on Wednesday challenge ‘Low Angle’, also for Cailleach’s Wild-Wednesday. Thanks to both.

Then returned via the shops, a flat white on a terrace, Primark & Aldi (succumbed to temptation - luckily everywhere was pretty empty. Found my blood oranges (thanks rosewiles7 for inspiring me.

“The RNLI Memorial Sculpture
Dedicated by HRH The Duke of Kent
3 September 2009”

Brave best of Neptune's crew lost
stealing wind and greedy sea
Heroic in sacrifice
Moored fast in memory
New saviours ride their foamed wake
steel strong arms pass duty on
Guardians of the dark wedged deep
Fear to face, honour won”

“Sam Holland - The Sculptor
This large sculpture by Sam Holland, depicting a person in a boat saving another
from the water, symbolises the history and future of the RNLI in its most basic and
humanitarian form. Sam intended her design to be bold and simple, incorporating
the elements of courage, loss and remembrance. Designed to be a beacon of hope, it honours those who continue to save lives at sea, as well as those lost in the act.
Sam studied Fine Art Sculpture at the City & Guilds of London Art School and
is a member of the Royal Society of British Sculptors (ARBS)”.

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