Pine Cones

Thought I would do a still life pine cone blip to accompany the still life mono monday results today.
These were collected from Swiss Garden on Monday. I just wish I’d made a note of which tree we found them under as they are quite different from any other I’ve come across.
I shall cut and paste the challenge result post below, and then post on the challenge page so you get the email too.

First I must apologise. I usually check the tagged number posts first, as in MM418. Then I usually just check for the "monomonday" tag and work my way back through the dates.
I didn't do the extra check last week, and think I may have missed a few entries. Sorry. I know we are a friendly non-judgemental bunch here but I do like to think I have looked at and commented on all the entries for the challenge. I must try harder!
So to the hearts and honourable mentions for this week "still life".
In no particular order.....
I also want to give an honourable mention to ALL the other entries, and with well over 100 of them again this week, I will just link to the MM418 tag where you can pick your own to look at 
One more Monday to go in January. Monday 31st Jan. Time Capsule - MM419 - What would you put in a time capsule today that will be interesting to people in 20 years time? Or look at it another way - what do you think the first blippers in 2004 would have put in, nearly 20 years ago? Or when Kodak started selling cameras in 1888?
I was not sure about this theme, but stuck to my decision and included it, so see how you get on. And stay safe wherever you are in the world. Philippa/ApolloFly

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