living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Fairy Garden

Sorry for the rubbish picture- I really wanted to blip this water flea instead but it's too small of a pic. That's not the best shot either but at least it's something different!

Chickpea was still not feeling well so we stayed at home today. We were feeling geeky so we dusted off the microscope and found a tiny bug floating around in our frog spawn water. It's a water flea apparently and not a bug at all but an arthropod! Now you know... He or she was quite entertaining, doing flips and spins for us under the microscope and we could see it's little heart beating, too. We replaced him safely back into the water when we were finished having a peek.

Chickpea also had a nice time playing with her fairy garden. She is really getting into role play more and I think she liked decorating the fairy house, too.

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