
By Mindseye

Coffee capers

I sense the start of a blip series….. coffee shop carry ons! These two ladies were having a wail of a time, signing to each other and having a real good laugh, completely unaware of their volume, it was heart warming listening to them, a big improvement on the start of my day :-(

Woke lots during the night, awake from 7.30, tears pretty much from the get go…feeling really down and sorry for myself. Tried to rally a few times but just didnt feel like getting up which isn’t me normally. I needed to wash my hair eventually did, got dressed and went straight out…….by which time it was 12.15! One positive is I weighed myself, having not made it to my first weigh in, pleased to see Ive lost 6/7lbs :-)

Drove to Costa treated myself to a bacon roll and a cappucino, whilst encountering said ladies :-) I had a long chat with a friend, I felt a bit brighter by the time I left. Collected the dvd with the ice hockey footage and drove home. Took it out of the bag….. he had given me the wrong video and dvd! Have to go back Thursday to exchange it.

Its been very overcast and cold today….just 3 degrees, but I got out into the garden for an hour, raking up all the dead detritus from the lawn and borders, almost filled the green bin, burnt off a few calories too!

Had an email re my Probate application….. they now require something else filling out, and they have the cheek to say that if things are not complete after 6 months there will be interest charged! We are past that date already :-( Feels like things will never be finished…….

Had a late easy tea, finished off then butternut squash soup, followed by a mushroom, pepper,spinach & cheese omelette……. it was ok. Then off to collect D&E nextdoor for the pub quiz…… fun, but we were awful.

Back home, made a brew, took it up to my room to drink whilst Im sat uploading my blip….. hopefully tomorrow will be better again.

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