
I wanted a bit of bling on my sewing and thought of sequins. Did I have any? What a surprise I found I had lots of them. These are silver, although you can’t tell from the photo, but I found I had many colours . (I wasn’t going to tip any more out as they are very tricky to get back into the bags!) Why I have so many sequins I have no idea. I can’t think that it was something I would ever have used. 

However, finding them did bring back a childhood memory. My uncle, my mother’s brother, was a wanderer. During the War he was in the Royal Navy - the extra photo is my mother and her brother probably when they had got their uniforms. After the War he went travelling. Eventually he settled in Australia, but before that he spent many years living and working all over the world. Occasionally he would return to England and he often stayed with us in Bradford. I was a child at the time and I remember him bringing me presents from faraway places. 

One time he came to stay and he had with him a very glamorous girl friend. I remember being taken with her wonderful clothes and her hair and her make up. But the one clear memory I have is her sitting sewing sequins on a fabulous dress. I presume she liked ballroom dancing, but I don’t know for certain. All I remember is watching her as she sewed on lots and lots of coloured sequins . . . and they were very shiny.

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