PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP


Into Hanoi today for some necessary errands. It was mostly a good day, apart from the 5:30am military wake up call... (Did I mention this an everyday occurrence around these parts now??).

Also had a bird waltz on in to my bungalow this morning. Scared the crap out of him as I looked down from my desk and saw him take off like a bat out of hell. He didn't go far though - just to my neighbour A's steps. So I madly dashed around my room finding the camera and then the absent memory card and managed two quick shots through the glass of my front door. Unfortunately too blurry for blip but good enough for an ID, Blue Whistling-thrush. A newbie for me :)

I've been trying so hard to keep busy these last few weeks and I'm feeling better for it. But still, when I stop and take a moment, I sometimes find it hard to breathe.

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