Orange Marmalade

Does Mono Monday have to be black and white, or might shades of orange count? Unfortunately the non-matching jars mar the effect a bit, I needed to find some appropriate orange patterned fabric and make covers... but I had already faffed about quite a lot trying to light the jars, as I wanted to capture the way light shines through the marmalade, so I was out of time and dedication for today. I used one of J's soft box lights, which she has for her animation, back left, and the window was on the right though it was a very gloomy day. I added the ceiling lights too, as the tops of the oranges were looking dark and shadowy, but this probably caused most of the reflections and emphasised the lids; I need more time and patience to learn to light still life photos effectively, and to sort out a tidier and more uniform background.

M was back today, to my relief, having reported no further cases in school and negative tests at home, so I caught up with some admin and clearing up and wrote lists to untangle my brain, as well as playing with the marmalade.

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