Sunday mooch about
I walked Indie across the heath, these 3 gates have gradually deteriorated over the past couple of years, strangely not repaired by the DWT. This patch was'nt grazed by cattle last Spring/Summer perhaps for this reason. The frosty lichen from my earlier blip was on the top of this gate, so no soggy, chilled knees. Today was just dull but I still enjoyed my walk. I heard the woodpecker but having Indie wit me would have made it difficult to get closer for a nose. The Stonechats were active diving around in the gorse. Only heard 1 thrush, but singing it's heart out. A joy to hear.
Mum & I had coffee while we picked our horses out for today's race meetings being televised later. Mum came back to Chudleigh, I did roast lamb which we ate once the racing was over, Hubby, Mum & I had 2 winners each so a good afternoons entertainment.
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