Looking for Cooper
When we walk home from Nursery on a Monday we always check to see if Geordie’s friend Cooper is on his window seat. Today he was there, so there was lots of excitement.
A wee bit sunshine and the company of Maggie - what a tonic.
Maggie blethered all the way home today. She hardly stopped for breath. Then it was home for hot chocolate with marshmallows and squirty cream. Yummy.
It was a jigsaw day today, and we completed lots of them. Then we tidied her drawer in my chest of drawers, with Maggie being very clear about the clothes she will not be wearing again. She was a big help when it came to filling the bird feeders. I will sweep up the mess in the shed tomorrow.
We had a great day, and she and Geordie are now sound. I didn’t even get to the second page of Snow White. At this rate I will never get to the end of the story and see what happens!
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