Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Healthy Fatsia leaves in the Church garden.

The Feast Day of Saint Francis de Sales. Bishop and doctor of the Church.
The laptop is recording 4c as the outdoor temperature. It seems milder. It is dry and overcast here in Rishton. I needed a good walk for exercise.
I have been out to buy some cards, one sympathy card, a Valentine for Paul least I forget later, and a birthday card to keep. I have been doing some laundry and indoor tasks.
I listened to the Holy Mass online. I have stopped missing going into a Church building. There was a time when I felt homeless, but now I feel ok about online recorded Holy Mass.
The pink viburnum flowers are looking good in the closed Church garden. Everything there just springs forth at it's own pace, in an uncultivated, not over controlled way, yet in keeping with the warmth or coldness of the traditional season. It is a delight to see new life there.
Indoors, the speckled poinsettia is not doing as well as I would have liked. The leaves are drying and most have fallen off, sadly. The best care for the plant is to avoid draughts and find a place that is the right temperature for the plant with the right amount of light. I have placed it on a window sill near the radiator. The one from last year is doing well so far.
Thanks for your kind supportive comments yesterday. All are appreciated.
Have a good Monday afternoon and thanks for dropping by blip friends.

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