Fly by or sell by?

Day #3 home alone with nasty cough blah blah doing almost nothing (other than half hour online tutoring which didn't go well as I could hardly talk!). At one point I put ALOT of bread in the garden thinking that the starlings, who were watching and waiting from nearby trees, would swoop in and make a photo for the day, but the little b*gg*rs ate it all when I wasn't looking! 

Comfort food of cupasoup and toasted cheese sandwich while binge watching my fav. rendition of Austen's Emma with Johnny Lee Miller as Mr Knightly made the afternoon fly by then suddenly I found my self with a yearning to reorganize all the kitchen cupboards, as you do - well, I did. So a fairly active couple of hours chucking out stuff past it's sell by date (of which the oldest was some of Dad's old Horlicks c.2014!!) and generally making things more accessible - a place for everything and everything in its place, after all.  

I hope your Sunday was more exciting than mine, and thanks for stopping by !

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