
By Marik_i

Falling apart

My whole world is falling apart. First my car (I still don't know how he is) and now my faithful little camera. I came from outdoors and my hands were cold, and I dropped the camera.

My first digital camera was a tiny Nikon Coolpix that used ordinary AA batteries but took fine pictures, even short movie clips.

I got this Nikon Coolpix P300  in January 2012, same year I joined Blipfoto. I have a recollection that in those days people still used flash when taking pictures indoors. My photography hobby goes back to the "available light" era of the 1950's, so I never use flash, and I immediately liked this little camera with f -1.8 that made it possible for me to take pictures of people without their noticing. 

The Fuji X10 is fine, but it is heavy and clumsy and has too many settings. I don't want to learn a new pocket camera, so I am really looking for a used P300. (?) My mother would say, that I am like men, who when buying a new hat, want it to be just like the old one...  :-))

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