Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Bits and bobs!

I don’t usually go into town on a Sunday but had to go to Argos to exchange the little vacuum cleaner I’d got for my husband’s electric car as, ironically, there’s nowhere to plug it in (I’d just assumed you charged it up in the house but no, it’s supposed to go in a cigarette lighter in the car and who’s got one of those any more?). They checked very carefully that we hadn’t used it (we hadn’t) but when I got the new one home, that had definitely been used, as it was full of dust, crumbs and even a tissue! Hopefully it’ll still work ok.

Bought some bags of salt granules for our drive on the way home, just in case we do get the predicted snowy weather, then it’s just been the usual stuff like sorting out the washing and school prep.

And getting Beaker ready for tomorrow!

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