A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


When I arrived at Breakfast Club, the other members were just getting to Juan's, wrapped up in coats and hats, against the very strong easterly wind, whipping in from the sea.

There was no shelter to be had on the terrace and we can't take the dogs inside, so we put up with it for one coffee and then beat a hasty retreat.

The forecast is for more of the same with even stronger winds up to 70 kph in the middle of the week.

Out of the wind, and in the sun, it was very warm, so what to wear was a bit of a conundrum.

Later  we toodled up the coast to Rosie's flat at Riviera to install a smoke alarm for the elderly tenant.

As a reward for out efforts, I took Jacqui to La Taberna Dos in Castillo for an early bird dinner.

And it was not bad, although Jacqui's steak was too rare, considering she had asked for medium, and had to be sent back.  Twice.

According to the owner, the chef is from Transylvania, so a I suppose that would explain the bloody meat!

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