What Did I Do?

Today I:
stayed up all night/morning trying to fix my computer after doing something profoundly stupid
sold organic oranges, orange juice, and strawberry plants at the farmers' market
became a "market person"
got caught in the rain
went bowling with friends
saw the new X-Men movie
was disappointed by the new X-Men movie
made many plans for the near future
landed a small part-time gig from now through the summer (at least)
made a friend laugh hysterically
tripped down the stairs, nearly toppling the crowd
was forced to watch highlights of the Caps game because I was too busy working to catch the real game
ate banana bread
exchanged stories
impressed old friends
sang along to oldies at the bowling alley
let my nerd and geek flags fly
earned money
learned about a whole new subculture
witnessed modern bartering
paid the rent
missed many great photographic moments because I was too busy living them
didn't get my computer set up enough to blip properly

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