Old times and people

In the morning I happened to remember wow I used to draw always on a paper when listening at school. Or I played number plays. No sudokus known then, nor drawing books to color - and you always had pen or pencil and paper at your hand...

Some work to do. After I had counted the rest of the statistics for the deadline-on-monday -project, it was time to eat and leave to pick my daughter up and drive to grandparents.

Some household jobs to do there, granma was feeling a bit tired. She is now waiting for the operation: Apparently she has got a cancer into her guts. It seems to be curable, hope so, but a big surgery is needed. I could see, that dhe needs more support now, than she actually can admit or see herself. For the first time ever, she seemed somehow vulnerable - even though she for sure couldn't see it herself.

I vacuumed their home and my daughter wiped floors for them. Chatting a lot and arranging items into storages just as she hoped...

-8c nice cloud day.


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