I thought I needed a few minutes of late afternoon light at the beach, but the distant figures at the sea's edge you may just discern on the left hand half of the blip turned out to be an 80-year-old lady whose dog had pulled her over, twisting her knee badly, and a passer-by who was trying to help, and called me over as soon as I was in earshot (which was quite a few minutes later). The tide was coming in quite quickly and the injured lady, F, was cold and wet from sitting on wet sand. We managed to get her up onto the other leg, and I supported her while the other woman phoned for an ambulance and coastguard. Meanwhile a couple and their children arrived and between us the man and I managed to carry F (fortunately a very slightly-built person) up the beach in stages, 50 yards or so ahead of the tide, and provide her with a human windbreak. The right hand photo is about 45 minutes later, just after sunset, after the coastguard arrived and when the ambulance was waiting at the nearest access point. By that time F was safely in the hands of the professionals, the couple were arranging to take her car and dog back home for her, and I was redundant so was heading back to the car.

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