
By XSworld

Being negative..

..feels fantastic! After recieving the negative PCR results last night, my covid isolation has come to an end. Life is going back to normal. I'm very thankful for the fact that the vaccination protected me from becoming ill, in fact I would not have known I was infected if it wasn't for the screening of all the hospital workers and I'm also glad I managed not to pass it on to my family which got negative tests as well. Thanks to everyone for your concern and kind words and for continuing to check in on me, despite the strange journey I embarked on. Oh, and if you thought I was loosing it to dark thoughts in yesterday's blip I want to explain that it was just a tribute to "Plan 9 from outer space" a film from 1959 that deservedly gained the "worst film ever made" title. If you are curious about it you can watch it for free on youtube, I can also recommend the film "Ed Wood" from 1994 about the film's director.
Anyway, today is a new day and I started it with a long walk by the river this morning, where a mix of fog and sunrise colours created a magical atmosphere. I had planned to post a photo from my walk as today's blip but when I came home and sat by the kitchen table to download the photos I changed my mind. During the isolation me and my family were tamed by a small robin who started to check in on our balcony, asking for something to eat. We started leaving seeds on the railings and now he comes to collect them a couple of times a day. If we leave nothing he will come down on the balcony, jumping around to let us know he is hungry. We have learnt to obey. This morning I interrupted the photo downloading to capture the robin in the backlight with the yellow wall behind it.
I have added a couple of photos from my "steaming" river as extras

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