A full on day

A morning spent doing domestic duties and preparing for an overnight visitor. I finished tidying up my workroom and saw the benefit of doing the material boxes yesterday, there was the chance to get much more stuff behind doors and the settee cleared. 

The quilts from the spare room are now parked on the settee.

Amber’s afternoon walk was longer than normal as we needed to visit the Co-op for a couple of things. It took an hour round trip.

The evening had a schedule determined by others to a certain extent. Dinner prepared for S arriving about 6pm, main course to be eaten by 7pm, ready to log in the the Lincoln Uni School of Mathematics and Physics, Astro-Chat live, subject Neutron Stars. 

We only just made it in time for the start. S had set it up on our TV, whereas we normally watch it on my laptop. As it was on YouTube we were able to pause when R contacted us for a chat.  It was good to hear how things are going at work, new jobs are a challenge, but she sounded very positive. 

In the pause I popped S’s apple pie in the oven, ready to heat and eat when we had our cheesecake. The Stars lecture continued and completed. As usual there was lots that I didn’t understand, but it’s presented in a way that is interesting. 

It was only just after 9pm when we had finished washing up and we ended up watching more TV. This time the Apollo 11 documentary. There was lots of film that I hadn’t previously seen, but I remember seeing the moon landing on a small black and white TV on 24th July 1969 and being told that I was watching history being made. It’s not until many years later that I appreciate the true significance of the event. 

Suddenly it was 11.30, way past our bedtime!!!

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