
The highlight if my day was the children coming home, suddenly the house is full of noise and life and laughter again. It was all very civilised when they were at their dad's but man it was quiet!!

They came home in the morning so I made a stack of pancakes and we hung out for a while before I headed off to the wool shop for Spin Saturday. Had a good day spinning and chatting and nearly finished all this lovely fibre which is a mix of Blue Faced Leicester, merino and alpaca with just the tiniest hint of sparkle, I love it and can't wait to spin the deep purple silk I'm going to ply with it.

We all had a chilled out evening, the boys did their thing and Freya and I watched some high drama episodes if Gray's Anatomy (end of season 6, start of season 7). I was knitting while watching and have reached the last section of the Catkin shawl. There's only 30 or so rows left but at 500+ stitches each they might take a while!

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