Bella and Baba Time

She's becoming a young woman, as tall as the bear who stands outside the toy shop, now masked like everyone else. Just a few years ago she was tiny, and we could not have imagined this time of masks. Before we went out, she saw that I had hung a photo of her and Evan in last year's masks. She said, her voice breaking with emotion,

"We thought those home made cotton masks were just fine last year, but now we need N95s or KN95s. I guess it will be this way the rest of my life. I guess Covid won't ever go away." 

I nodded sadly. "But we don't know for sure," is the most comforting thing I can offer.

Thay Thich Nhat Hanh died this morning. There goes a great spirit. This beautiful Tweet was posted by Rev. Martin Luther King's daughter.

I have to turn comments off for a few days. I'll have a few hundred more photos of JoAnn to process tomorrow. I saw the new Macbeth with Denzel Washington, streaming. It's also in theatres for those who go to them. It took my breath away. I watched it once through and then played it without sound, gasping in wonder at the B&W pictures. I gather 70% of the movie is CGI. Well if they can do CGI that artfully, blending it with superb stage lighting and mystical darkness, bring it the hell on. If you like B&W photography, light and shadow, tone and mist, see this movie.

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