This is part of the Linn of Tummel which is comparatively low mainly due to much of the river water being diverted for hydro electricity through a huge tunnel to Clunie Power Station.  Before the diversion in the 1950s the falls must have been very impressive especially after heavy rain and snow melt. 
Today it was a very varied walk mainly on little paths beside streams and rivers, through alder and silver birch woods and pine forests in the hills above the river Garry and apart from two people right at the start we met nobody in the14 km walk. The collage shows part of the walk including a distant view of mist enshrouded Schiehallion and a pool on the river Tummel.  
At dusk there were hundreds of rooks swooping and swirling and forming spectacular shapes in the sky just like starlings.  Although I have often seen starling murmurations I think this is the first time I had seen so many rooks perform before they settled down to roost.  This is only a small selection as it was not easy trying to get a good photo as they kept flying past.

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