
How approval for this monstrosity to be built on Falmouth seafront was given is beyond me. It doesn’t blend in or look like it belongs anywhere in Falmouth and once the Co-Op is open beneath we can expect the local litter and debris to increase. The only plus that I can see is that the Co-Op, with its takeaway service, will undercut the existing coffee/food providers where a spoonful of instant coffee with a small cardboard cup of hot water costs over £2.

Early start with Paddy and I driving Sam to Truro Station to catch her train to London. Home breakfast, housework, Paddy walk and then some EPIC GIGability admin before a second walk.

The clear skies and weather in the photographs over the last few days make it look like summer but it’s freezing in the wind. I may have to relent and let the ladies of the family get Paddy a coat.

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