All of the stuff

The table gets very full with all the stuff of things I like to do and read. This all made me laugh. Some new cookery books that I’m reading, another I made a cake from today, library book and my adventure holiday book. And odds and sods of fabric, my sewing machine and at the front - the current camping and caravan club magazine about touring Northern Ireland. Weekend coming up to see how much I can squash in, I think touring NI is unlikely to feature this week.

Peaceful work day, went to visit Teagan who is one week after a spine op and is doing well. We looked at her pony book, she practiced her binca sewing and we had a nice time.

Oh and the police were out in force in our street this afternoon. With actual big guns. Which was surprising.

And the rude and seemingly incapable boiler man was back. We need different boiler options, def.

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