Hope Springs Eternal
On This Day In History
2009: Toyota officially passes GM as planet's biggest selling car maker
Quote Of The Day
"The Toyota style is not to create results by working hard. It's a system that says there is no limit to people's creativity. People don't go to Toyota to 'work', they go there to 'think.'"
(Taiichi Ohno, industrial engineer and businessman, father of the Toyota Production System)
One of my biggest jobs of the year went off with great success today; Year Four's Hanshin-Awaji Memorial Assembly. I was very proud of them; no one missed a cue, they all remembered their lines and delivered them clearly. All that, and they have also produced some splendid earthquake-themed artwork to display in the corridor and during the assembly. For the art project, I had them decide upon their own symbol of hope to add to concentric circles and a seismograph reading. This is one of my favourites; a handshake symbolising collaboration in the recovery effort.
Don't Give Up
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