Bringing the sunshine in

It’s actually been so bright and sunny, and cold, in this long period of dry high pressure that we’re having that I’m surprised I have so many gloomy photos.  So here’s one with the sunshine inside.  I spent the morning at Mum’s waiting for a doctor to call, which he did nice and early so I was glad I got there on time.  Driving my late Dad’s old car mainly now which has the most batshit thermometer, it told me it was -21C when I left this morning! 

Stopped off in town on the way home and saw this mimosa so had to bring some in.  Isn’t it fantastic!  Vikram got quite misty eyed for his childhood in the South of France but I was remembering how many trees of it there were in Chiswick when we lived there.  A good urban specimen tree. 

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