
By Theleens

Wait, which track? 115 or 116?

I met up with two dear Scottish friends, for one brief afternoon in New York. We had lunch at the Borgia Cafe on Prince Street, ambled through Soho, found the original St. Patrick's Cathedral (before the huge one was built on 5th avenue) and I finally showed them Grand Central.

Words can't describe the first time you see this station. Unlike many others I know in the UK and Europe, it is not cold and windy, nor does it emit that cutting murmur of steel. No, Grand Central has a warm air that circulates throughout its corridors, and light from huge bulbous chandeliers that softly touches the ground and walls. Add to that the joy of seeing travellers embark on their journey and you have a wonderful spot.

Then it was time for me to head back to Connecticut and my friends to continue with they so-far successful weekend break.

I got back in time to see two artists receptions: one at the Stamford Arts Association and one at the Franklin Street Works.

My blip has described the second part of the day. However, my morning was pretty amazing. I discovered two young men on Twitter (brothers) who are trying to use photography to raise awareness of the homeless in Miami.

I know their images have made an impression and are influencing a sound in my head. Time to pick up the guitar.

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