Meet Luna

This is Luna. She is a rescue cat and just moved in with Frau G, my mother’s first (German) carer. A lovely little lady with truly impressive whiskers (meaning Luna, not Frau G).

Today was dominated by the change of the Polish live-in carers at my mother’s house. The new carer was due to arrive by bus in the very early morning, but her bus had broken down, and she she didn’t get here until just before noon.
You might assume that she, or someone from her agency, would have informed us about the six hour delay. But no, they didn’t, and we were left to wonder when, or if, she would turn up at all. 
The agency also had assured me that she’d been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (“at least twice”). Again, no. She’s  only had one jab, two months ago.

In the evening, I drove the first Polish carer to the main bus station. She now goes home for a month. Her sister, who lives close to her, has tested positive for Covid today.

You see: Meeting Luna was the best part of this Thursday.

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