With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Hamster Amstel

If I said I was cool at riding on the back of a bike through the streets of Amsterdam, I would be lying. I tried side saddle but my bottom is just too small (jaja!) However, it was great fun.

This morning I woke my bones up with a long walk to the Eastern part of town and the beginnings of Drover's dog. I slipped out to the huge local market for another hour and fell in love with the smells of fried fish, fabulous vegetable stalls and the mixture of such diverse peoples living so happily alongside each other.

Back into town, we wandered a little and ended up with Peruvian fusion food, where nothing was available from the menu, as we were late, but everything that arrived was great. I have had such a wonderful time these last few days. Back home earlyish tomorrow. And then...

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