
By Dee49

Just Roman around

Hey folks :)
This pic was taken at the Antonine Wall, near Dullatur in North Lanarkshire. Anyone looking for more info, it can be found here.

So, anyhow. I think I might be back. Maybe not every day at the moment, but at least visible :)

A brief run down on what's been happening with me lately.
I've moved house, again! But all good :)
I've been ill for the last week or so during the house move which wasn't brilliant, but plodded along with lots of help from family and friends.
And also during my being ill, and the house move, my girls dad had a heart attack which was very upsetting for them. Luckily, he is ok. Or as ok as you can be I guess. He is now out of hospital after an operation and the girls have calmed down after lots of reassurance etc.

So now it's a case of trying to get settled and organised and to get back into the swing of it all.
I've been away a wee while, only lost 2 subscribers, lol, so thankyou to the rest of you for sticking around :)

Ps: my fella has also been a great help and I'm delighted to state that we haven't killed each other yet what with the stress and close, pretty much constant proximity we've spent with each other over the last couple of weeks ....... so the next chapter hasn't been shelved yet :)

Hope you guys are all good, I've got a lot of catching up to do.

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