Oooodles of fun in the sunshine

Yesterday I only had a play on one beach and Ann had promised me that today I could play on all of them. Yay! This morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue, so off we went for a big long walk along all of the St Ives Beaches. I took my yellow bouncy ball and I played and played and played for almost 2 hours.

The tide was all the way out and I played on Porthmeor Beach, Porthgwidden Beach, Bamaluz Beach, the sand behind the harbour, I don't think that has a name, Harbour Beach, Lambeth Walk Beach and Porthminster Beach. That's a lot of beaches for a little collie pup to play on.

You wouldn't believe how tired I was when I got home. I went straight into my bed, because even though I'd had a lovely time, I was in desperate need of a snooze. 

Ann went out for lunch with her friends and then brought them back here a couple of hours later for more wine/coffee and I hardly even bothered to get out of bed I was so tired.

Went into the field at about 4pm for about 10 mins and now I'm back in my bed having another snooze.

…...................Playing on seven beaches today has made me very, very, very tired. But what a lovely sunny walk I had. Today I have had ooodles of fun!!!

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