The white tulip.

A nice simple, straightforward day.  Sunshine, feed birds, breakfast, exercises. clean kitchen, read news, do puzzles, groceries delivered, put stuff away, hang a pot of hyacinth bulbs from Andy's door handle, have a late lunch, do some online shopping. don't buy anything, go to Strath for a walk.  You probably know what I do on Wednesdays off by heart now. 
I walked too far as I usually do if I have a camera in my hand. Playing with my wide angle lens. Unsuccessfully.  Luckily my shopping included tulips and I'd already done some indoor photography before the sun went behind the hill. It will be a week or two before it clears it but it's getting there.  
When I'd driven to Strath I'd noticed car tail lights ahead and a traffic light.   Road works, so I turned into the village early.  By the time I left I'd forgotten and got caught in the traffic.  Whoever set the timing for them was either an idiot or a sadist who hated cars. We waited and waited and waited with no cars coming the other way.  Eventually a cavalcade appeared, went through and we waited and waited again for our light to turn green.  Which after a long long wait it did.  Very briefly.  Some cars went through on red but the car in front of me stopped and the whole procedure  repeated.  I had an impatient truck driver behind me and, as the long wait for the lights to turn green began again, he pulled out and went through on red followed by the front car, then me with a good few others behind.  It was so awful I thought of phoning to complain but decided people had probably done so already.  Thank goodness my groceries included wine.  I feel I need a large glass as compensation.  Mind you, if you are a road worker, you probably do feel the need for a bit of revenge from time to time.

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