Demolishing my life

A very rare trip into the city centre for a dental appointment. Wary of the buses I walked there and back - did wonders for my daily step count! On the way back I thought I'd follow a little of my old walk to work, or at least one of the many variations thereof. Zig-zagging through the New Town to Dundas Street/Fettes Row and the old RBS buildings. The demolition work is well underway, and as I took this snap I got to thinking. It seems that many of the significant buildings in my life have been demolished. My primary school, only built in the early 1960s, has been flattened and is currently a car park. My secondary school had a number of buildings - the oldest, from the nineteenth century, is still standing but is now used as a primary school while the newer buildings have all been replaced. My first place of work after Uni - Scottish and Newcastle's HQ at the foot of the Royal Mile - was demolished to make way for the Scottish Parliament. I worked in a number of buildings while at RBS both in the city centre and out at the Gyle. Although I spent a good chunk of my nine years with RBS out at the Gyle, the Fettes Row/Dundas Street buildings were always the heart of the IT department throughout my time with the bank. And on my walks in and out of the city centre I passed the new Meadowbank sports centre, a new replacement for another building that has featured prominently in my life - a venue for lots of football, both indoors and out, some hockey likewise as well as various other sports and events over the years.

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