Have keys, will travel.

Grace has a major thing about keys right now (ok, so name me a baby/toddler who doesn't...). Thing is, she's taken to dragging my set of work keys all around the farm, through puddles and piles of sheep poo, and they were getting a little worse for wear.

So this morning I wouldn't let her take them out and MAJOR fireworks erupted. She screamed the place down for what seemed like an eternity, threw herself on the floor, stomped fists and refused to go outside. So I scrabbled around in a drawer in the farmhouse next door to get her another key from a long-since sold car (it was an L -reg. THAT old), then found a key ring for her to chew on and attached that.

I brought them back for her.

Still she wasn't happy. The screaming continued. She refused to budge.

They were missing something.

My work keys are on a long piece of ribbon, so I managed to find a bit of red ribbon amongst the wrapping paper stash in the cupboard, tied the keys on and tried again. I presented her with them, she stopped crying and went outside with a smile and a little dance.

Then as soon a she got out of the door, she promptly dropped the keys and went running off along the road.

Kids, eh?

A year ago: Marsh marigolds.

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