Lost … And Found.

As well as having a dodgy knee, I’ve been feeling a bit wobbly and washed out the last couple of days with one of my dizzy turns so, having lost my mojo, I gave golf a miss this morning and spent most of it lost in Mojo, the music magazine, and listening to one of the artists the latest edition drew my attention to, Christone “Kingfish” Ingram. You’d never guess he’s a blues guitarist with a name like that!

Here he is performing the appropriately named Before I’m Old:


As the blip shows, recent editions’ covers have featured some well known musicians in their pomp and got me re-listening to some old favourites and discovering new ones like Kingfish.

This afternoon we picked up Sophie from school as is our Tuesday routine and she’s got me feeling much younger this eveningm I may even have got my mojo back!

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