That Time Of The Month

Where I go off and sell my wares.

Got some great feedback today, I always get the warm fuzzies when someone says something lovely about my illustrations, they always seem so shocked when I say it's all my own work.

Anyway this afternoon not so good Ferd is poorly dog again, we have been watching very closely and could finally see the muscles spasm in his back legs, he was charging around earlier playing ball. We have been snuggled in bed together as he couldn't get comfy on the sofa, and well my hips are all hurty again so snuggling and Mr Mouse waiter service has been something that I well just had to endure you know poorly puppy and all that.

We will be keeping Ferd quiet from now on. well as much as we can he is a spaniel.

Oh well time for meds (I have really overdone it this last week body is grumpy at me so has given me a sore throat) and another episode of Buffy before sleep.

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