
By Doingok

Things In Threes

For MonoMonday. Thanks to Apollofly for hosting and making it interesting.

I'm on Week 2 of the knee treatments and there is definitely improvement, but it's slow.  As long as there is improvement, all is well.

It's nice to have some familiar things in the new house.  Some pictures are hung on the walls and it's starting to feel like home.  Still waiting on that living room furniture though!  It's been 20 weeks since we ordered it and that's what they said it could take.  Should be soon (fingers crossed).  

Cold and blustery today, but the sun was out and even if I couldn't walk much, the sun makes it all better and I did get some errands done.  On other good news, the shower door finally came in (1 month later) and hopefully soon that will be up and running.

Just noticed this is a Blip anniversary - oh my!  8 years even though the time elapsed has been more than that but not much.  It's done everything I hoped and more - a wonderful experience "meeting" wonderful and interesting people and every day I'm thinking of something positive I can photograph to brighten my day.  Thank you to all who give stars, hearts and comments and thank you to the Blip community which just keeps on going. With all my heart - Thank You!

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