Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Mono Monday: Things in Threes

The builders have been cutting kerbstones most of the day which created massive amounts of dust, most of which landed on W's car.  We decided to take it to the garage for a wash and then carried on down to Morston Quay for a late afternoon walk.  The light was beautiful as the sun was going down, there was only one other person around who was sitting on the end of a jetty eating his picnic, and the only sounds were the distant roar of the sea and the soft calling of a few of the water birds.  The theme set by ApolloFly for Mono Monday is 'Things in Threes' so I thought these three boats fitted the bill.  However, keeping the theme of 'three', I've added two extras, this time in colour.  One is looking down the channel of the river at low tide with the mudbanks on full display, and the other of the moon rising; a 'Wolf Moon', which will be full at around 11.48pm this evening.

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