We found the new feeder!

I put my new feeders up a few days ago. Now that my neighbor is home, and I wont have as much access to their yard, I need a source for an emergency blip. ;) I've grown accustom to having a birding blip opportunity even when I don't have time to stalk in the wild. So, I found a spot out of reach of my dogs and set up 2 feeders. This one has seen chickadees, red poles and today finches. (My peanut feeder has yet to be discovered.)

Zoom in for a close-up.

Looking at this green (blurry pine) and lemon yellow finches it could be an image from summer... Deceiving, :) notice the state of the finches feathers. They are molting now, hence the dull feathers mixed in with the yellow. Not quite summer... Actually, it's anything but warm out there today. Cold, windy and (I hate to say it) snowing... It looks like it will warm up a little next week, so today will be a good day to catch up indoors.

Have you ever looked at your camera lens and said, "Holy Cow, I expected a sharp image from that"? I need a good lens cleaning kit... Embarrassing.

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