The honeysuckle is budding

I had a stupid accident yesterday when Helena and I were chatting as we were walking back from town. I didn't see a step down from one pavement to another and my ankle went sideways and the rest of me followed and hit the ground quite hard. I managed to set my left ankle back into a normal position, whilst I lay on the ground but my right knee and shoulder took most of my rather large weight. I also heard the crunch of my camera meeting the ground a bit heavily.

Helena managed to get me up and I waddled back to the car and then managed to drive home. I took to bed as the various hurt parts of me swelled up and my shoulder didn't want to let my arm move.

Today I have been up but I've been moving rather gingerly. I went out to the patio with Helena with a cup of tea, and took a few pictures. But I could hardly hold my heavy camera unless like this picture the subject was right in front of me. I was surprised to notice these new buds on the honeysuckle that climbs the railings below the back door. I also enjoyed the sun warming the land and me for a change, with no wind to chill the bones. Now my knee and shoulder are hurting again but that is to nbe expected. The lesson for me is to pay attention, fully and not to take what my glasses show me fro granted, as like any lenses they do distort reality.

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