Swimming people

There is a new art installation thing on the seafront, lots of local people talking about what swimming in the sea means to them. The artist paints a nice picture of them and captures their words. The nearest one here is Kath who gave us a few front crawl in the sea lessons last year.

Any way, before all that, we were still camping this morning. The gas coolers were once again being idiots, a man suddenly pooped up from a motor home behind us. He said he had been watching us keeping checking the kettle and had said to his wife he had to “go and offer those ladies some boiling water, they’ve not had a brew yet!”. Lovely man, we shooed him away, the water was practically there.

We ate all open foodstuffs, packed up and came home, telling each other how fabulous we are (we like to do that). I cleaned up the campervan and took it back to Tanya with big thanks. It was a proper treat and made a top weekend even better. I’ve slept ever so well the last two nights but now and still Exhausted. Off to bed!!

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