Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User

It's Cold Here

Woke up this morning to find a hard frost and another foggy morning, although unlike the previous day, i could see that the sun was burning the fog away quicker and earlier.  

So breakfast was consumed faster than normal with just one cuppa too and it was out into the car to find a decent parking spot.  

Normally I would have considered walking, but knew that the walk would have taken over twenty minutes and I did not want to risk losing the scenes I had envisaged, and just as well I did too, because shorlty after arrival here, the foggy mist over the river had virtually disappeared and the low sun was blinding.  I did manage to get a few other shots, but the one I really wanted to capture just did not work out, once again because of the bright sun.

So I was back home just after mid morning in time for Mrs IU to give me a  nice mug of coffee with a slug of brandy....idea for a quick warm up.

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