Gulls or Terns?

Mostly cloudy today, our high was 28 deg F, low predicted to be 22 deg F. It was pretty cold out today with the breeze. Knowing we had to be at Brooklyn’s game early, I hopped up and made French toast to go with the breakfast casserole my son sent to us. It is Parker’s favorite so I made plenty for him also. He came over to get breakfast after basketball practice. Mancil kept us informed of his trip to Vermont and activities. It is such a pleasure to have close relationships with these teenagers. Brooklyn played well, had 8 points, including the two in my center frame, but they lost by 4. Each player gets equal playing time so our team got behind when Brook was on the bench and we couldn’t recoup enough points. She is just so much taller and more experienced than most of her teammates. We stopped for groceries for our parish food collection and got a burger for lunch. Then we decided to go back to Solomon’s Island where we saw so many gulls/terns (?) yesterday. Hubby looked up articles about gull vs tern but we just aren’t sure what type of birds we saw, there were so many of varied sizes and colorations. There were many people enjoying the birds’ antics. The lady next to us asked if we minded her feeding them. Oh my, we were surrounded immediately. They perched all over our car and flew up to our windows. They were almost too close for me to get decent pictures. I hope you can enjoy the different shots I got. We attended 5:00 pm Mass and stopped at my son’s to pick up appetizers he boxed up for us. The rest of the evening will be spent reading cozied up with the kitties as usual. Sure hope your day was just as nice. All games have been canceled tomorrow due to the forecasted winter storm. We aren’t expecting much snow in our immediate area. My sister, who had a set back with her illness, is expecting the tide to get as high as her second step tomorrow. Stay safe folks. Thanks for your visit.
“Lessons from a Seagull/Tern
1. Don’t be afraid to stand against the wind
2. Sometimes it’s good to go with the flow
3. Evolve with your life situations
4. Never be afraid to ask for your right
5. It’s your character that makes you beautiful
Overall Lesson: Put your self out there. Have enough self-confidence to know and exhibit your good qualities and know that you’re beautiful just the way you are.” - Komal Munawar/The Hamster Ball

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