
I took Harp to ballet this morning completely forgetting that she wasn't supposed to be there. So the two of us ended up having a wee girls morning in Costa. Mr R was taking the boys for a hair cut. This was the Jedi's first experience of a proper hairdresser. They're really good with Xander and got a autism friendly hairdryer. But Mr R said Carson just flipped and was so stressed. It took three of them to hold him. I blame the fact they used clippers on him. He doesn't like certain noises . So he looks as though he's been scalped. I don't like it and I've not really spoken to Mr R because Carson doesn't look like a baby anymore and he's had way way too much hair taken off. And it was quite a traumatic experience for the wee Jedi. 

We're not long back from seeing nana and grandad. Wreck it Ralph is into everything there ;-) . They are so good though as they have a playroom set up for them all. 

Hope it's been a good day for you all. X 

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