Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


Its good to be back in Mzuzu knowing that I should be home this coming week! Because I had been away I had to go and buy some food at the market. As I said before our market is enormous selling anything from fish to shoes to hoes! I wasn't sure if I would take a market picture or not but the lady selling beans was happy to oblige!

I love our markets here where nothing is packaged and its all sold by a heap of vegetables or like these beans, a bowl of beans. They are all dried beans and include kidney beans, white beans, soya beans, ground nuts (peanuts as we know them) and a lovely speckled bean which has a nutty flavour! Beans are a good source of protein and often the only protein people here get in a day! As it is harvest season there are some fresh beans available too which are much quicker to cook!

So guess what I will be eating tonight!!!

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