Mr Smith

By MrSmith

The Cement Works

This is the Cement Works outside Dunbar.

I was driving past it with the kids after a great day in Eyemouth ( Newcastle must be deserted judging by all the Geordie accents and NUFC tops on the beach). Lots of fun on the giant inflatable assault course in the swimming pool and then messing around on the beach, award winning fish&chips and an hour in the play park to burn off any energy still coursing around their small bodies.

I veered off the A1 to get a closer look at the cement works (or the cloud factory as it's called in our car) and there was a security guy on the gate. I asked him if I could take a photo and he waved me through so I could get into the works and get a better shot. What a top bloke and a refreshing change to the usual reaction. Not so long ago I was shouted at for photographing a skip in Edinburgh!

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