Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I'm sure this isn't the first time I've used this adjective to describe our white-throated sparrows, but it's fitting, don't you think?  With their white bibbs, snappy head stripes and bright yellow lores, they are most definitely dapper.  And today there were several dozen of them around the garden.  We are heading into a deep freeze so lots of birds are starting to gather here.  The people in the houses on either side of ours also offer bird food, and we offer heated water, so this is a hot spot for little winter birds.

Jax was a bit of a rock star last night as the instructor used him at the head of the class to demo several things.  If only he behaved as well for me as he does for her!  Actually. as long as we don't run out of treats, he stays pretty focused.  We did some practice today but he was easily distracted by blowing leaves, snow that needed to be pounced on, and vultures flying low overhead.  Ah well.

I got an inexpensive food dehydrator yesterday and ran to the store this morning to pick up some veggies to put in it.  It's a slow process so I won't know until later tonight how my experiments came out.  I'm looking for some low call snacks for us and for Jax so hoping this will open up some opportunities.

While I was out, I stopped by the pharmacy to get my first (in a series of 2) Shingrix vaccines.  I had to wait a couple of months after flu and booster to start this series.  My arm is sore and my neck is now starting to get sore too, but hopefully that will be the extent of the side effects.  No matter, the weekend is almost here and Hubs can take over puppy duties during the day if need be.

My foot is still sore.  I kind of thought the cortisone injection would have started to kick in by now.  So, applying heat and doing stretches and keeping walks short.  I predict a day in front of the fire tomorrow.

Dark with wild blueberries today.


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