I go walking in my sleep

Last night was a weird one.

We went to bed 1030. plenty sleepy.

Read a chapter of my book. Decided to see if my new iPods would work in my ears when my iPhone was downstairs.

It did! I was very exited. I could even ask it to play toons. I think that was what my problem was… I think I may have gotten over excited playing cool music.

Anyhoo. I had to get up and go to the loo.

Then I lay for a while; and then I got back up to the loo.

Then I went downstairs for a drink. And took this photo

Then I lay again.

Then I got up and did some work (I stopped after thirty minutes because I figured himself would hear me clacking away)

So I came back to bed and put the light on and I read another chapter.

And then I went to the loo.

And all the time himself slept.

Eventually I slept…. But wow I struggled to get up this morning

And himself. Unaware of any of the above

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