
Saturday is when The Boss gets the chores finished that he didn't manage on Friday. Sounds fair to me. The Autumn falling season is up and away and the big beautiful English lime in our property has 10 zilloin leaves that are going to fall on the ground, get stuck to my soft coated coating, carried indoors and deposited on the kitchen/ diningroom floor. With some luck I may even get some upstairs to The Bosses Studio and all this causes my most disliked activity to happen...The Vac comes out. The new vac (German) is really super quiet as far as the Boss knos BUT the nice Germans need to do some hi frequency engineering and produce a "K9 approved" model. I am prepared to offer my services as a testing authority with an appropriate range of fees.

Small vacs 1 block of cheese
Larger vacs 1 block of cheese
Industrial vacs 1 block of cheese

I have learnt this technique from watching the internet where the deal is to start out very cheap or free and figure out how to make money when you have the customers by the throat and begging but I am not a patient dog so I am going to cut to the chase...So to bark.

Oh and in the true spirit of enterprise if particularly noisy vacs are submitted for testing with additional cheese I may turn a deaf ear to the racket that hi speed motors usually make in the Dog Frequency Spectrum (DFS). I wonder if folk realise this. We hear differently. BIG TIME. Mozart understood this... Bet he had a dog.
Many years ago The Bossess's father was learning the Piano and had to abandon it because his dog, aptly named "Muttly" howled so loudly he couldn't think. It probably wasn't anything to do with the sound it was just that he played really ba......Opps

Ok. Actually there is not a lot of colour out there at the moment but this shot, again opposite Edgewater (where we had Hot Choc after) (Him not ME) manages to find some.

Come closer. Bring cheese.

Oh and explanation here

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