Chaos and calm

We were planning to go to Conishead Priory for a peaceful walk through the woods, followed by coffee and cake. But the pre was something parked across our gate and huge .. HUGE vehicles digging up the road at each end of our property. I wish I'd got a photo of the biggest one.. grey and reminiscent of a diplodocus. 

They have removed the speed bumps .. which didnt seem to slow anyone down  it took the best part of the day. 
If we had insisted they would have let us get out of the drive but we may well have had to wait a long time before we could have  accessed the gate to get back in again. 

So we walked up to the sea wall and along by the marsh. The water was as flat as silk and the sun was warm and it was hard to believe it was January. 

A nice peaceful walk before we got home to the mouse of machinery.  
It was light e ough to see more of the tunic.. dark coloured wool isnt a good idea on dark days.

Blip is a quiet spot in between the chaos ! 

Day 3 of Getting To Grips With the Laptop :Thank goodness for You Tube . Some very useful How to  videos  which have helped. 

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